The All-Team Event is an inspirational speech event where a speaker is brought out to the company headquarters and gives a Ted-Talk inspired presentation. This is an in-person event with a digital live broadcast.
Project Overview
To create a comprehensive campaign that brings together individuals to experience an inspirational presentation. This must bring together all members of the agency, including those working remotely or not on the main campus.
Problem Statement
The problem is to create a visual identity that represents past events while giving the event a new fresh feeling. This must be recognizable to the previous and create a more welcoming style to bring more members to the All-Team Event.
A promotional campaign targeted towards team members working at the agency. Through both print and digital promotional materials and looking towards showcasing the inspirational nature of the presentation through these materials.
Target Audience
The targeted audience for the event is those working at the agency, all who work remote, in-person, or offsite. All are welcome to come to the event. With the need to target those not on the site, a YouTube livestream and later re-upload to a website is provided, allowing as many team members as possible to view the presentation.
Project Duration
8 weeks
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Power Point
Project Scope
Digital: internal website advertisements (spotlight ads), YouTube thumbnail, and Microsoft Power Point open and close slides
Print: promotional poster insert and day-of event signage
Design Process
Discover and Preparation
Communication plan
Event branding
Concept development

Last year's poster design; this year's event further refines the previous one

Final Designs
Scope images of the project
Print – promotional posters insert (11 x 17 in.)
Print – promotional posters insert (11 x 17 in.)
Digital – spotlight ads (250 x 848 px.)
Digital – spotlight ads (250 x 848 px.)
Digital – YouTube thumbnail (1920 x 1080 px.)
Digital – YouTube thumbnail (1920 x 1080 px.)
Print – event signage (11 x 17 in.)
Print – event signage (11 x 17 in.)
Digital – Microsoft Power Point open and closing slides (16 x 9 in.)
Digital – Microsoft Power Point open and closing slides (16 x 9 in.)

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