"The Mist" follows David Drayton and his son Billy in a grocery store during an apocalyptic horror story. Themes of fear and the unknown prevail, notably during a chilling encounter with a monster.
Project Overview
To read and recreate any novel. This must be something that can create an interesting cover and a compelling story without any words. From the front cover to all aspects inside.
Problem Statement
To create a unique design system that invokes the feeling of the novel both inside and out. Using digitalized software to create the book cover and learning to use pagination and publication rules to create a chapter brake system.
Creating a unique cover and chapter brake system for the novel. Creating the feeling of suspense and working to make the redesign into a unique system. Explaining the story of these first terrifying events as if the main character’s son were to make them with aper materials. Working on drawing and creating everything to have a terrifying child-like nature.
Target Audience
The targeted audience is readers who have an interest in horror, particularly Stephen King horror novels. This is one of the shorter stories he has written and is much easier to read than most of his novels. This is to showcase the uniqueness of this terrifying monster, or monsters, and push readers to explore deeper into Stepen King's works and enjoy the world he has created.
Project Duration
5 weeks
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Word
Project Scope
Digital: cover spread, pagination, and chapter brake system
Print: cover spread mockup
Design Process
Discover and Preparation
Read and analyze
Mood boards
Branding: pagination and chapter breaks

Quick original sketch of the front cover, aiming to continue the story within the grocery store in some way

The Mist concept sketches for the cover (5 x 8 in.)

Final Designs
Scope images of the project
Cover and inside – closed and open spread (5 x 8 in.)
Cover and inside – closed and open spread (5 x 8 in.)

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