Project Overview
To create advertisements that align with the corporate identity while effectively communicating each ad’s message. These ads are redesigned from previous versions to meet current requirements and must follow accessibility guidelines for typography and color.
Problem Statement
The problem is to establish or update website advertisements for current events, updates, or closures within the company. This involves taking the provided content from a copywriter and creating a compelling design that encapsulates the message and quickly bring employees to read more about the given item. This assignment is given and must be completed within a 32-hour period each week.
A customized advertisement that meets accessibility requirements while maintaining the identity of the business and content message. Items are updated weekly and must keep current information or updated as needed.
Target Audience
The targeted audience is employees of the company. These are individuals that will access the internal site to read more about current events happening. These individuals may go into the site only to see spotlight ad updates, come across the ads while searching for specific information found on the site, or general information search.
Project Duration
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Getty Images
Project Scope
Digital: web ads (spotlight ads) and smaller content web ads for articles (topic page image)
Design Process
Discover and Preparation
Stock image research
Spotlight ad template
Stock image research
Spotlight ad template
Color contrast
Typography layout
Upload to site: advertisement tags and title

Topic page – Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Day 2024

Spotlight ad template, gray lines represent the guidelines on Photoshop (250 x 848 px.)
Final Designs
Scope images of the project
This is only a few of the many ads designed or updated each week

Spotlight ads – three screens representing the internal website (848 x 250 px.)

Spotlight ads – maintenance on campus and agency waste audit (848 x 250 px.)

Spotlight ads – Climate Action and perspectives in disability (848 x 250 px.)

Spotlight ads – color contrast and meeting backgrounds (848 x 250 px.)

Spotlight ads – evacuate sites and hot breakfast (848 x 250 px.)