Project Overview
To create and learn the process of creating unique and abstracted logos. Teaching students to create with a reference photo and create an item that is unique from the source material.
Problem Statement
The problem is to create a unique logo series that represents a lizard or amphibian. These logos must meet the theme of two key words and a neutral logo. Additionally, this logo must be easily readable in a small-scale size and represent the animal using unique forms.
To create three logos representing one animal. This is the fat-tailed gecko and must be represented through point, line, and plane. These abstracted forms must come together and represent the animal chosen, it cannot be a line-art style of logo, it must be abstracted forms that can be read tougher to makeup the shape of the animal.
Project Duration
20 weeks
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Google Drive
Google Sheets
Project Scope
Digital: logo design (neutral, volatile and graceful)
Design Process
Discover and Preparation
Exploration sketches
Animal research
Finalization rendering

Poster design created later, taking the final neutral logo and making an information poster with it

Final Designs
Scope images of the project
Gecko logo – neutral (5 x 5 in.)
Gecko logo – neutral (5 x 5 in.)
Gecko logo – volatile (5 x 5 in.)
Gecko logo – volatile (5 x 5 in.)
Gecko logo – graceful (5 x 5 in.)
Gecko logo – graceful (5 x 5 in.)

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