Project Overview
To reimagine a website for a better user experience. Using the branded elements and themes of the website, it was transformed into an easily accessible website that guides users to the most important CTA.
Problem Statement
The problem is to take an already established and used website and transform its identity and experience through a set of research and redesigns. Using only elements from the original website, drawings, and stock imagery to make the experience of going to the end destination easy through a series of CTAs.
A comprehensive campaign that introduces several deliverables to different styles of touchpoints. Where this is created to bring awareness to attendees, have them plan to attend the festival, come, and enjoy the experience, and then bring awareness and follow-up through merchandise.
Target Audience
The research targets a broad audience ranging from mid-twenties to early sixties interested in online car research and purchases. These audiences need a focus on creating a user-friendly platform that addresses concerns such as pricing transparency, reliability, and ease of use to meet the diverse needs of this demographic.
Project Duration
5 weeks
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Stock
Microsoft Word
Project Scope
Digital: wireframes and Figma mockups
Design Process
Discover and Preparation
Past website research
Proto personas
Comparative assessment
Heuristic markup
Mood boards
Concept development: presentation

Original wireframe sketches developed from a simple printed paper template with a grid system

First generated wireframe, done in grayscale with working buttons
Final Designs
Scope images of the project

Website – homepage (1920 px.)